Why Doesn’t Wyoming Have Elevator Music?
You might think that Wyoming doesn't have elevator music because it doesn't have any elevators.
Just not too many. Honestly how many tall buildings does the state of Wyoming have?
The problem is that the few tall buildings Wyoming does have don't go that high. So there is not enough time to get a song stuck in your head. So, why try?
If you are from Wyoming and have never heard elevator music, go ahead and click the video below for a sample. CAUTION: IT SUCKS!
There is no way to get a crappy song stuck in somebody's head in just 5 floors.
Elevator music is infamous for taking a hit song that nobody really liked, one of those songs that was played to death on the radio, then making it far worse by playing the Muzak version of it. They play it just quiet enough in the background so it REALLY gets stuck in your head and annoys the hell out of you all day. Almost like subliminal messaging.
NOPE, Wyoming doesn't have that because even our tallest buildings are not tall enough to listen to more than a few bars of any song on on elevator ride.
In major cities, some buildings have 40 or more floors. Plenty of time for mind programming.
Wyoming’s tallest building is listed as White Hall, a student dormitory on the University of Wyoming Campus. An entire 12 stories. Most other tall buildings in Wyoming are only 6 floors, or so.
At this point, you are probably wondering why I am telling you this.
Well, I could ask why you are still reading this article. You must be bored.
But now you can take this useless bit of information and tell all your friends.
Maybe you are sitting with a group of people and you feel like you have nothing to add to the conversation. You are just weighing down the group.
For a moment they will be astounded.
But it won't last long.
Hot Air Balloon Threads Wind River Canyon Wyoming
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods