WYDOT Makes Changes to Alert Message Delivery
After sending nearly 18.3 million emails and 22.9 million text messages in 2015, the Wyoming Department of Transportation will streamline its notification system in order to spare travelers' inboxes and better manage costs.
The biggest change will be to alert messages. Instead of detailing specific road conditions, alert messages will now tell the recipient the worst case travel impact -- low, moderate or high -- on a given segment of roadway. Messages will include a link to the "By Route" page for those who seek more detailed conditions.
WYDOT will no longer send messages regarding speed limit reductions. Instead, that information can be found online at the highway conditions page or the conditions map.
Further, the department will no longer resend active messages at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. -- meaning those subscribed only to daytime messages, for example, will have to check another WYDOT information system to learn about alerts issued during the nighttime period.
Closure messages will stay pretty much the same, the only difference being that an opening time will be provided if available.
Earlier this year, WYDOT launched the Wyoming 511 mobile app for Android and Apple phones -- a great way to access up-to-date highway conditions and alerts on demand. The app is designed to provide information throughout your trip with voice alerts as well as pre-trip information via a map.