Wyoming Christmas Shipping Due Dates
We are approaching crunch time for getting our precious packages (Click on pic above) and presents shipped off to points around Wyoming and the country. You may have already pushed the limit closer than you would like, but you still have a small window of opportunity to get your packages shipped out and received by Christmas.
Monday, December 19th will be the single busiest shipping day of the season, so get it together now, to avoid the long lines and short tempers.
If you want to take advantage of retailer’s offers of free shipping with guaranteed Christmas eve arrival, have your purchases ready to go no later than December 16th.
USPS ground shipping is due 12/15 if you want it there by Christmas.
USPS first class mail is due 12/20 in order to arrive by 12/25.
UPS says get it out by Monday, 12/19 to use their 3 day select service to arrive by Christmas
FedEx, says if you use home delivery or ground, get your packages out by Dec 16
The clock is ticking, the pressure is on. Good luck.