March 1st 1992, a young man’s dream becomes reality. Jude Carino, owner of Sonic Rainbow, tells a story about his father. Jude’s father had been a store owner much like Jude, but he owned a clothing store with his brother. Eventually as most siblings do, they started having disagreements. They each had a different vision about how to pursue their business, leading to their store's failure.  

Jude had his own vision, his own dream, but he was unsure. Approaching his father on his death bed, Jude shares his dream with his dad. With resounding support from his dad telling him do it even if it failed because if you don't try then you will never know and a life filled with past regrets is a heavy burden to carry, Jude got to work.  

Having had this conversation at the start of 1992, Jude opens the doors to his very own record store that march! Jude wishes to thank “EVERYONE who has ever worked and supported” his dream.  

“THANK YOU for supporting a place: 

-where Passion and Diversity is celebrated!! 

-where the tent is BIG and everyone is Welcome!! 

-and where the Soundtrack for many Life Journeys were discovered  

My highest Hope and Wish is that everyone who engages with Sonic Rainbow may find their inspiration to make a Soul Dream come true.”- Jude Carino


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