WATCH: From Tennessee To Wyoming In A Small Plane
Many people come to Wyoming by flying to Denver, then renting what they need and driving into Wyoming. Some drive all the way across the country to get here.
But one adventurous couple climbed in their little Cessna 150 to fly from Tennessee to Wyoming for their summer vacation.
A Cessna 150 is a small, 2 seater plane that flies just a little faster than a car on the highway, not by much, and almost never climbs more than just 3 to 5 thousand feet off the ground. On this trip the couple intentionally flies it low and slow.
PART 1 of 3 - The setup and take off from the beautiful Tennessee mountains:
Part 2 of 3 - They leave Iowa and make it to the boarder of Wyoming. There is a little trouble with the audio at first, but that clears up. There was also a little trouble with flying that little plane in such warm weather. The pilot will explain why:
Part 3 of 3 is, by far, my favorite video.
Smoke from the fires Wyoming had in 2020 cause some problems on their way in, so it's not the best view. Watch as they land in Sheridan, then up around the north end of the Bighorn Mountains, over Bighorn Canyon and down to Cody.
Their trip back takes us over Devil's tower and over Mount Rushmore.
I've subscribed to their channel and hope to see them when I fly to my family's cabin in North Carolina. I'm asking them to look me up if they ever come back to Wyoming so I can show them around, from above and below.

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