We talked about pairing Halloween candy with wine, which seems so natural. They go together like a fruity Merlot with chocolate. But some of us are more into beer, so lets turn to the experts on pairing beer with your Halloween candies, … I mean your child’s Halloween candy.


USAToday has five suggested pairings, starting with a Snickers. Brass Tap Breweries’ Matthew Stock looks for both a complementary approach as well as a contrasting pairing.


Pair a Snickers with a porter, which already has natural chocolate flavors. A Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup works well here too.


The subtle caramel flavors in candy corn will be well matched with a Sam Adams Boston Lager that shares that flavor palate. But if your fridge has Bud or Miller, that corny hint will be highlighted.


Oh look, your kid got Sweet Tarts! Fruit flavors and sour candies have an acidy after-taste that go well with a Belgian saison-style beer that is an unfiltered, single malt, single hop beer brewed with pilsner malt and Saaz hops. The earthy base pairs well with the acidity from something like a Sweet Tart.


Of course, if all of this mixing and matching makes your brain hurt and you just want to take the easy way out, remember, just south of Wyoming, in Fort Collins, Colorado, New Belgium may have your answer.

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