Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Here's an even more difficult question. Which came first, the bull moose or the dog? If a recent video shared by a driver means anything, the answer to that question would be both.
Maybe I'm more naïve than I thought, but I didn't know deer could do this. A new video shows a big buck defying gravity and scarfing berries off of a tree.
A man was driving down a remote highway when he saw two moose calves run in front of him. He watched them jump a nearby barbed wire fence and he could sense something was wrong. He was correct.
You don't see this everyday. As a matter of fact, it's likely that you'll never see this in your lifetime. But, there is new video of a one in a million albino moose crossing a roadway.
There's an old saying that you can't fix stupid. There also needs to be a new saying that it's possible to be too stupid for a bear to eat. This video proves that theory.
The weather has decided to warm up and stay that way finally which means many are seeking a pool to cool off in. That includes a moose who discovered a pool and decided to stay awhile.
When you're hiking in the wild, you're actually a guest in a land that wildlife calls home. One man learned this when he and his dog went for a hike and ran into a wolf.
Another family has refused to allow the current pandemic quarantine to keep them from letting their great-grandmother know she's remembered on her birthday as they threw her a parade.