"What's up dawg." "We're back!" And so the '22 Jump Street' trailer begins as Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum return for the sequel to their fantastic comedy '21 Jump Street.' As teased at the end of the original movie, the sequel has them going off to college. Let's take a look at the '22 Jump Street' trailer and see if we want to enroll with them.
'Ghostbusters 3' has remained alive in fans' hearts thanks to hopeful chatter from original star Dan Aykroyd, though all the on-and-off development issues have placed this in the category of "we'll believe it when we see it." However, new reports have emerged claiming that the sequel will finally begin filming next year, perhaps even with two new stars attached.
Though this was rumored last year, it looks like a sequel to 2012's '21 Jump Street' is moving forward. Sony has confirmed that they're going to make the film and that it will have a release sometime in 2014.
'This Is The End' has become one of this summer's most anticipated films, thanks to a couple of hilarious red-band trailers (check out the most recent one here, if you are the only person on the internet who hasn't seen it yet). To get your anticipation for it raised even higher, the first clip has just been released and is waiting for you after the jump!
'This is the End' got an early jump on April Fool's Day by releasing a fake trailer for 'Pinapple Express 2,' but that was all a build-up to the latest trailer for the movie, which is NSFW, filthy and filled with violence. It's also pretty great.
This is the end. At least it will be as of tomorrow, assuming the Mayan apocalypse arrives as scheduled. In anticipation of the end of the world as we know it, check out this new trailer for the Seth Rogen/James Franco apocalyptic comedy 'This Is the End.'
Hollywood favorite funny man Jonah Hill‘s Hollywood stock is continuing to rise. The ‘Moneyball’ Oscar-nominated actor, who is starring in the upcoming comedy ‘The Watch‘ alongside Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn, has now signed on to star in the new Martin Scorsese film ‘The Wolf of Wall Street.’
Something very important happened between the time when Jonah Hill first hosted ‘Saturday Night Live‘ in 2008 and when he did for the second time last night...