Jeremy Taylor

Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal? — Survey of the Day
David McNew
One of the biggest stories out of last week’s election was that voters in Colorado and Washington State chose to legalize marijuana. States like California had previously approved medical marijuana, but Colorado and Washington are the first to also approve cannabis for recreational use.

Have You Ever Used an Online Dating Service? — Survey of the Day
Caro Scuro, Flickr
Online dating sites like and eHarmony have gone mainstream. In fact, some studies have suggested that up to 30 percent of recently married couples met over the Internet.

Are You Planning to Get a Flu Shot This Year? — Survey of the Day
Flu season is upon us, and the best way to avoid the chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort of influenza is to get a flu shot. The vaccine, which greatly reduces your chance of catching the bug, is available at most drug stores.

Gas Prices Post Biggest Drop in Four Years — Dollars and Sense
Hurricane Sandy may have wreaked havoc on the Eastern seaboard, but its aftereffects are providing drivers all over the country with a bit of relief at the pump.

California Woman Learns She Won $23 Million Lottery Just in Time
ABC News
A little more than five months ago, a Los Angeles woman bought a lottery ticket at Michael’s Market & Liquor. She then left it in her car and forgot about it, obviously not that enthused with her 18 million-to-one odds of hitting the jackpot.
Unbeknownst to her, she hit that jackpot to the turn of $23 million.

After Sandy, a Major Above-Ground Rat Invasion May Be Next for New York
If you’ve spent time in New York City, you’ve seen your share of rats. The most common place to spot the unpopular rodents is in the city’s subways. Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, many of the subway tunnels are currently flooded, leaving the rats nowhere to go but up.
And according to experts, they will have no problem doing so.

Eighth Grader Nails 63-Yard Field Goal
It’s safe to say Blake Carter has a big right foot.
The eighth grader from Midland, Texas nails what appears to be a 63-yard field goal in the video above.
Yes there are caveats. It is during practice, a tee is involved, and he takes a bit of a longer run up than a kicker is able to take during a game. But,

Man Tries to Buy Pizza With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Coupon From the 1990s
In these days of instant nostalgia, the ’90s have long been a clearly definable time period.

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping When Sharing the Bed With a Partner? — Survey of the Day
We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, so not being good at it is a drag. And according to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council, the best way to get a good night sleep may be to ditch the person you are sleeping next to.

What’s Your Biggest Workplace Fear? — Survey of the Day
As anybody who’s ever had a job will tell you, work isn’t always fun. In fact, sometimes it can be downright scary.

See the Cast of ‘Poltergeist’ Then and Now
The 1982 film ‘Poltergeist’ is considered a classic of the horror genre. Written and produced by Steven Spielberg, the movie tells the tale of the Freeling family, whose youngest daughter is kidnapped by vicious demons and evil spirits.

Would You Fall for the Collapsing Elevator Prank?
The folks at LG think their flat screens are pretty lifelike. So to prove it, they covered the floor of an elevator with the screens and had cameras running when unsuspecting office workers got into the lift.