There Are Actually 28 Movies That Were Filmed In Wyoming
We all know about the classics and probably the most recent films of the last two decades, but I was shocked to find out just how many movies were filmed in Wyoming.
Wikipedia has a complete list of the 28 films that were actually shot in the Cowboy State. Click here to view the entire list.
It's worth noting, there is another list that names all the movies that were set in Wyoming (which you can view here), that is much larger. There are actually 68 movies that were set here.
So why are there way more movies set here than are actually shot here? There's not really one correct answer. A lot of the major studios already have land set up in the Los Angles areas. Others shoot where they can get substantial tax incentives. Even others have stated that shooting in Wyoming is just expensive.
No matter the reason, here's to hoping more major motion pictures start taking notice and if they're not going to shoot here, at least represent us correctly. So far, I'd say it's been about 50/50.