Watch Intense Footage of Speeding Train Plowing Violently Through FedEx Truck
This nasty crash was bad, but it could've been a whole heck of a lot worse.
Watch this frightening footage of a train going full speed smashing right through a FedEx tractor trailer in Salt Lake City, Utah last weekend, slicing it in half like a sharp knife through soft bread.
Poor weather played a role in the accident. According to the Salt Lake Tribune:
...the gates were up and the flashing lights and bells were not activated when the train struck the truck...The gates at the intersection...had been affected by severe ice and snow conditions that day and had successfully defaulted to the "down and active" position, the release says. But after an employee arrived at the location, the gates moved to the upward position and remained up as the crash occurred."
It was a pretty gruesome scene, but there is a bright side -- there were no serious injuries. The Utah Transit Authority continues to investigate the incident.
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