WARNING: Casper Sidewalk Project Has Closed One Lane Of Street
If you've driven down Wolcott in Casper, you've noticed there's a sidewalk project going on and it's causing traffic to be reduced to three lanes.
The sidewalk project spreads North to South in just outside of Downtown Casper from 8th street to 12th street. Over the last couple of days the old sidewalk curbs have been jackhammered out.
The project is delayed a little with the rain, but road re-routing is still in place, mostly on the North bound lanes of Wolcott Street.
The process has begun to pour new concrete curb ramps that improve the access and safety of pedestrians transitioning from the sidewalk to cross the road.
Curb ramps allow much easier access and reduce steps to people using
- wheelchairs
- strollers
- walkers
- crutches
- carts
- bicycles
- scooters
- or have mobility restrictions
The Casper Streets Division is broken down into 4 different crews.
- Patch Crew - maintains and repairs potholes and curb cuts
- Paving Crew - works to pave, seal cracks and grading gravel alleys
- Traffic Crew - maintains and repairs all things to do with traffic in the city (traffic lights, signs, pavement markings, crosswalks and Holiday decorating)
- Concrete Crew - Concrete work every year in the city of Casper is pretty extensive, with nearly 11,300 square feet is replaced or repaired.
During the spring of every year the Casper City Streets Division is hard at work making the repairs and improvements needed to keep the Casper streets in good working condition. All four of these crews also are responsible for plowing and hauling snow during snow season.
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