WATCH: Elk Gets Stuck on Fence, But Hilariously Escapes Unharmed
It's not just humans that fall down. In the wild, an occasional animal has a run in with an inanimate object and loses.
Thus was the case when an elk attempted to jump a fence and gets the ultimate fail for first getting stuck, then face planting and flipping over said fence, before going about its merry way.
*Warning: some of the language in the short, 14-second video is NSFW.*

Please keep in mind, the video is only funny because the animal was unharmed. The lady's voice in the background exclaiming 4-letter word obscenities didn't make the footage any less funny either.
The video was shared today (November 3rd, 2021), but originally took place on October 25th, 2021 in New Meadows, Idaho.
The footage was shared by viral video YouTube channel, ViralHog, along with a caption that read:
A herd of 200 elk in Idaho were crossing between ranches. A cow elk failed to jump high enough to get over the fence and landed in a ditch upside down, shook it off, and headed for the rest of the herd. No animals were harmed in the video.
*If you're having trouble viewing the video, click here*
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