Wyoming Hunters Reveal The 5 WORST Tasting Animals
Those who eat what they kill on Wyoming hunting grounds largely agree on the worst tasting game meat.
Of course, for taste, there are some variables, like the age of the animal, freshness of the meat, and the different ways to prepare it. Most of these meats are put in Wyoming stew, or chili, where they can be all spiced up. It's all still protein – just not the best tasting.
Wyoming’s 5 Worst tasting Wildlife meats for, uh, not good eatin’:
#1 The Wyoming Sage Grouse. ... The name of one newspaper feature on eating Sage Grouse is “Something Fowl This Way Comes.” Nuff said?
#2 Pronghorn (Or Antelope) ... Many think Pronghorn is one of the most excellent tastes, but many strongly disagree. On a Bowsite.com chat, one said, “Antelope I have eaten that grazed grass was much better than those eating sage. A big difference in my experience.”
#3 Squirrel ... Um, just how hungry are we?
#4 Moose. ... This website says you need to start your prep while still in the field. HA!
#5 Bear. ... A feature about different game on NPR called bear meat like Russian Roulette. Being omnivores, it tends to taste like their last meal. That's fine if they last dined on berries. But if they've been eating salmon, they become infused with fishy flavor. "When you cook it, it's going to be like low tide on a hot day." Yuck!
Well, you can't be left with that sad ending, so we include Outdoor Life’s rank of the best tasting meat, from 1 - 6, 1 being their best.