Pinedale, Wyoming – The Good & Bad – The Comments Are In
In a January 28th post, I wanted to find out if Pinedale, Wyoming was getting either a bad rap or a true exposé that started online...
The Rants and Raves section of Craigslist showed the frustration of “an outsider” trying to get along with the tight-knit locals in Pinedale, Wyoming, where a “locals first” attitude is making a new resident and future employer miserable.
The writer claims to have been met with major attitude at several local businesses in Pinedale.
“So if you’ve ever wondered why the economy in Pinedale has been oppressed for nearly 8 years, or why the house next door to you has been on the market for nearly 2 years, or why your property value has dropped nearly 50% since 2009, look no further than the attitude toward “outsiders”.”
Then came the response on Craigslist, presumably from a Pinedale local that seems to confirm a sour attitude:
“We try hard here and we have a beautiful gem of a town. You might be better to relocate to chugwater or buford. I personally think another state would fit you better.
And then there was another response on Craigslist:
“We moved to Pinedale last summer and the locals love to put down “outsiders”. It’s terrible and we have never been anywhere in the USA where the locals are so rude, abusive and just outright mean.”
“Think about it, the locals shit on “outsiders”, the locals shit on tourists, so why would anyone want to come here to visit or live?”
I found it difficult to believe, so I asked for comments. Now some 3 weeks later, here’s what people responding to my request posted, some, distilled down for brevity.
Reader comments on Pinedale
Totally, completely 100% accurate. You'd meet nicer, more accepting folks in a prison cafeteria.
My kids and entire family have been treated with nothing but kindness and respect. And it might take a while to be accepted. Remember we have had a large influx of workers for the Las oil and gas boom. Many of these workers are here for a while and then are on their way to the next big thing. And unfortunately this has brought some of the ugly with it, higher crime rates and drugs. Pinedale natives love this area and are reluctant to share with those that would squander what is held dear in search of the mighty dollar. Here a handshake caries the weight of a legal document. And unfortunately a few bad apples may have made us a bit more weary. We don't make friends easily or many of them. But those we do, last a lifetime. I'm not sure what the problem was with the person who posted on Craigslist, but one person's complaint posted on a free online classifieds site should not be considered as a measurement of a community.
It is one of the most geospatially removed areas in the lower 48. We are our own kind. There are many dynamics at play. The complexity of the region takes a good understanding of the history and it's surroundings. I wish I had the time to elaborate, but simply put...there's a proud tradition of work put into this town. We are proud of what we've built and we like it simple. We need very little and prefer it that way. Those that have grown up here understand that this place is the last of its kind and we don't have a problem protecting it. Yes, we may seem a little standoffish but for good reason yet we are fair. Give respect and get respect is all. Pinedale is what America was, I guess is the best way to put it. We have very traditional values that haven't been influenced by external social progressions. Why? Because what we have is all the civilization you need.
Your strategic community plan seems to be working!.....but really, people here don't hold punches. If someone says or does something questionable here, they will hear about it.
Pinedale has good. A few bad. It's just small enough that it's hard to be anonymous. As a Cora native and Sublette co resident I can look at it objectively. Maybe it just doesn't suffer fools lightly. I will say. If you move here don't complain or start trying to change it. I find most non natives extremely delightful and an asset. Welcome. Enjoy. We have long winters and snow. And a great county:state crew keeping us mobile. Get outside and take advantage of everything.
I transplanted to Pinedale 29 years ago. I'm almost a local! I love it here. I am passionate about our community. I believe we are very hardworking, we help our neighbors, we pull each other out of ditches when stuck, we stop for people on the side of the road, in short, we truly ARE what America was. We don't care who you love, it's important that you love. We don't care what church you go to, we don't care where you work. Pack it in, pack it out. Don't litter our beautiful area. Treat others and the critters with respect. Protect children, even if they aren't yours. Leave it better than you found it. Get educated. We can disagree and still like each other. Don't lie. Don't cheat. Don't steal. Fight fair. If these rules and philosophies sound like something you might enjoy, this is a great place for you, too.
Moved here two years ago and have NEVER experienced anything like what's being said in this article. I've found everyone to be friendly and helpful and have never seen a newcomer or tourist treated rudely that wasn't asking for it. We're simply not like that. There is a great mix here of folks who have lived here most of their lives and those of us who have moved here from someplace else. True, it's not for everyone - no malls or fast food - we like it that way; and yes, like any small town, being accepted and seen as a 'local' takes time and building trust. I will say that anyone who comes here with some kind of chip on their shoulder will likely not have the same experience that I have, but that would definitely be an anomaly!
So not true! Apparently the authors of the comments on Craigslist are immature. I lived in Pinedale for 4 years 10 years ago. I was accepted with open arms from everyone. Granted, I have a lot of family there and I spent my summers on 40 Rod and the Upper Green while I was growing up. I was born and raised in Rock Springs. I love Pinedale and would move back in a heartbeat !
I moved to Pinedale 14 years ago from Texas and I've never been treated better by anyone. Love the locals and they love me
Spent 5 days there summer before last . Couldn't have been treated better in my own neighborhood! Loved loved loved the Corral Bar and all the locals that hung out there made me feel at home . Kudos to Pat at the Corral and everyone that I met there ! Like Arnold said " I'll be back ! "
I lived in pinedale for 10 years having moved there from boston I got along great with the locals and still consider pinedale home having moved back to Massachusetts for family
The people they are claiming to be locals are not the true locals. I have lived in Pinedale my whole life and have first hand expierence of seeing the car mummify come together and help each other. I have yet to find a local with a sour attitude towards the idea of people moving or visiting our town. There is a lot of people who have moved here and been here a long time who have bad attitudes and try to claim to be real locals who give the real locals a bad name. The people who act like this are always seen complaining about snow on the roads, businesses, and how things need to be altered to better their own personal lives instead of realizing we all live in Wyoming and part of that means some years you receive 6 ft of snow and can't expect to turn snow removal crews into slaves just because you weren't prepared or that we live in a small community and things are more expensive because it cost more to get products and services into town. I believe this happens in every town. I am very sorry to the person who had he bad experience and hope I can change their mind about Pinedale one day.
I have only met one rude person and they were a senior at the senior center. Go to Santa Barbara California and you will find rude people.
I'm from lander but I love pinedale
I read this and I do not agree my husband and I lived in the rv park in Boulder outside of Pinedale for 3 years and was made to feel like we were there for years right from the beginning no body ever made us feel we didn't belong there.
Probably people that arrived and immediately told everybody how they should do everything like "back home"
We moved to Pinedale 5 years ago. My kids and entire family have been treated with nothing but kindness and respect. Wyoming in general is a very independent state where everyone has a pioneer spirit. Sometimes this can appear rude or standoffish. And it might take a while to be accepted. Remember we're the 21st century version of a gold rush town and have had a large influx of workers for the last oil and gas boom. Many of these workers are here for a while and then are on their way to the next big thing. And unfortunately this has brought some of the ugly with it, higher crime rates and drugs. Pinedale natives love this area and are reluctant to share with those that would squander what is held dear in search of the mighty dollar. Here a handshake caries the weight of a legal document. And unfortunately a few bad apples may have made us a bit more weary. We don't make friends easily or many of them. But those we do, last a lifetime. I'm not sure what the problem was with the person who posted on Craigslist, but one person's complaint posted on a free online classifieds site should not be considered as a measurement of a community.
Agree totally Chris
Pinedale is a great place to live, I lived there for about ten and still would if I could make a living there and had my family around me!
That's the word on the street..but i have heard this about other towns in Wyo too...
We've spent a few days in Pinedale while working on our The Living Wyoming books - and the people there have been nothing but great!!
I moved to Kemmerer 5 1/2 years ago and people here have been great! There are and will always be some in every community who think they are better than anyone. And I have heard it said that the old names of town feel they should be given special privilege but I have never found that so here. We have our good points and bad points, but our good far out weight the bad.
Not sure about Pinedale but this happened to myself and a business partner in Saratoga. I only mention that because I think they are similar towns.
Everyone there has always been kind and helpful whenever I have visited.
always enjoyed visiting Pinedale area, nice place, nice people. true uppity snob community is whiterfish montana.
i've lived in wyoming for 40 years and i have to say that the people of pineal are kind of rude. when they asked me how long i've lived in wyoming (with an attitude) and i told them-they shut right up.
It's called Jackson hole ossis seen it on both side of the Winds just mention building a ski resort in Lander and see what happens
Maybe, could it be that the people in Pinedale respond to you in the manner you represent your self to them?
Pinedales biggest problem is it's only 75 miles away from Jackson Hole, the most non-Wyoming place in the state, they have to deal with a lot of the overflow of cut them some slack!
I have always felt welcomed in pinedale
Hell no
Love my Wyoming town of Pinedale. Sorry your experience was bad. But please don't put it down for one bad experience. Most of us are friendly
Pinedale's a great town and Jackson's problem isn't the folks it's the cost after all the outside population influx
Seems to me, most people have had good experiences with Pinedale. Thanks to all for your participation and helping to shine light on the Craigslist comments. Seems like a great place to hang hat.
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