Martin says: "To build back the trust it helps to speak kind words to your beard. Speak in a low voice and use words of affirmation like, "you are unique", "you are special" and you are needed".
It's that time of year again, Movember (a.k.a. No Shave November), where men are encouraged not to shave for the entire month. The whole point of the movement is to raise awareness for men's health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide.
Not surprisingly, both cancers have been saddled with many of the same myths. These are based on outdated information or old wives’ tales passed on by the uninformed. Myths or no myths, here's what's most important...
November, or "Movember", is the time to grow out your mustache to raise awareness for males forms of cancer. It's now December and the time has come for you to rid your face of your lip warmer.
The purpose of the new series of print ads from Boy Scouts of America is to convey how scouting skills can transform youngsters from boys into full-bearded men.