In the end, It was Stand #14, from creator Airean Strong, that won the contest. His patriotic-themed stand embodied everything Lemonade Day stands for.
On Wednesday, Hilltop National Bank hosted the Lemonade Day Kickoff and it was certainly a sign of things to come, as more than 300 kiddos turned out to register, to pick up their instructions and, of course, to meet Lemmy the Lemon.
Wyoming Food for Thought Project in partnership with Townsquare Media presents the Power of One Radio-Thon, a day-long effort to engage and empower individuals, organizations, and businesses in our community to be a part of the Local solution to hunger.
The City of Casper, Natrona County and visitors still will celebrate the total eclipse of the sun in August 2017, but probably with not the big of a splash as had been considered in recent months.
Casper City Council on Tuesday again put off deciding whether to hire a Colorado firm to direct the four-day Eclipse Fest in 2017, and instead consider other companies.