The Science Zone Announces 2022 Trick or Treat Trail for October 30 at Ford Wyoming Center
Come little children, we'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children, the time's come to play
Here in our garden of magic

Luckily, The Science Zone doesn't need the mystical-yet-angelic voice of a Sanderson sister to gather children for the Trick or Treat Trail; the kiddos want to come all by themselves, of their own accord.
And they'll be able to do just that, as The Science Zone has announced that its 2022 Trick or Treat Trail will be happening on October 30, at the Ford Wyoming Center.
From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (or 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. for guests with special needs), the Ford Wyoming Center will be transformed into a Halloween hangout, the likes of which have never been seen.
The Science Zone calls their event "Casper's largest trick or treating event," and with good reason. Every year, hundreds of Casper's kiddos come out to show off their costumes, receive some candy, and get a little spooky.
Visitors will wind through our Trick or Treat Trail collecting candy and goodies from each stop along the way, finding spooky decorations, costumes and fun surprises around every corner!" the event page stated.
This year, like every year, The Trick or Treat Trail is looking for sponsors.
"A great way to put your business in front of Casper's youth and their parents," a sponsor invite post stated. "This year, we are expecting over 5,000 people to walk the Treat Trail."
5,000 people. It's no wonder they had to move from The Science Zone basement to the Ford Wyoming Center.
The invite stated that candy will be provided to sponsor booths, but that sponsors will need to provide their own staff or volunteers. Sponsors are also responsible for decorating their own booths. Decorating will take place on October 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
To become a sponsor, you can sign up via The Science Zone website, or you can call 307-473-9663.
Whether you're a sponsor, a kiddo, or a parent, or a vendor, the 2022 Trick or Treat Trail will, as always, be an event to remember. It's a chance for the community to come together and celebrate Halloween in style. And no, the Trick or Treat Trail could never replace actual trick or treating on Halloween night, but it comes pretty close. And, bonus, you never have to worry about Mother Nature ruining your plans or, worse, making you wear a puffy coat over your Batman costume which completely ruins the look of the whole thing and covers up the bat symbol and the cape and now it's not even fun to wear the costume anymore and what's even the point of going out because you've got candy at home!?
Anyway, join the community for the 2022 Trick or Treat Trail on Sunday, October 30 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Ford Wyoming Center. It will be a spook-tacular time!
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