A 13-year-old Nebraskan was killed Friday morning when the pickup they were riding in spun out on an icy bridge and rolled off Interstate 25 in Cheyenne.
Parades in Nebraska are...ahem...different. Parade goers in a small Nebraska town recently got quite a treat when they spotted a longhorn riding in a convertible.
This entire summer the cowboy state has been hit with some pretty nasty storms from hail to tornados we've pretty much seen it all. But we aren't the only ones who are going through weird weather. Our neighbors in Nebraska have had their fair share too.
I know I've given a few reasons in the last couple of months of why I'm happy I grew up in the cowboy state rather than growing up in a place like Idaho, Colorado, but mainly Nebraska.
This will do your heart good today. As our neighbors in Nebraska continue to recover from record flooding, they have just been gifted 9 semis full of hay.